Banana Counting Monkey Thursday, March 02, 2006: Anonymous note to the driver who parked besides my car at the Esso this morning. I couldn't help but notice while I stopped for coffee. I thought you should know that parking in front of, but not in, the handicapped parking spot does not make you a sensitive human being. It's parsing the meaning of "parking in the handicapped spot" in the same way as "I did not have sex with that woman." Just a thought. BCM // 11:56 AM Add a comment ______________________
Anonymous note to the driver who parked besides my car at the Esso this morning. I couldn't help but notice while I stopped for coffee. I thought you should know that parking in front of, but not in, the handicapped parking spot does not make you a sensitive human being. It's parsing the meaning of "parking in the handicapped spot" in the same way as "I did not have sex with that woman." Just a thought. BCM // 11:56 AM Add a comment